22 products

Say goodbye to dandruff! 

Dandruff is a common condition that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. To get rid of dandruff, try cleansing with a gentle shampoo to reduce oil and skin cell buildup. You can control your condition and stop itching and flaking by using a specific shampoo to treat dandruff.

Products that are made for dandruff are the best choice; they are formulated to balance and calm the scalp, which reduces dandruff. 

Tip: Try coconut oil to help with dandruff; start rubbing 3-5 teaspoons of coconut oil into your scalp, then wait an hour and shampoo your hair.

Bruns Products
BRUNS Products Nr23 Unscented Hair mask, 350 ml
28,30 € Regular price 35,35 € Sale price
Bruns Products
BRUNS Nr01 Harmonius Coconut Shampoo, 300 ml
24,50 € Regular price 30,30 € Sale price
Bruns Products
BRUNS Nr01 Harmonius Coconut Conditioner, 300 ml
24,50 € Regular price 30,30 € Sale price