Recipients of Ruohonjuuri Prize and Grants 2014-2021
In 2021, the theme was preserving biodiversity and preventing loss of biodiversity and a carbon-neutral future. This year, Ruohonjuuri donated a total of €13 500 in grants to build a better world.
In 2021, Ruohonjuuri grants were awarded to Laura Hamdi (€1000), Aino Haavio (€2500), Clara Lizarazo (€4000), Power Shift (€4000), Tampere 4H Association (€1000) and Stansvik Village Association (€1000).
In 2020, the Ruohonjuuri Prize (5,000 euros) was awarded to Luonto-Liitto ry forest group, which promotes the protection of biodiversity both directly through the establishment of nature reserves and indirectly by increasing actors who understand the meaning of nature's biodiversity and the practical challenges of conservation and opportunities and in addition promotes the cause in different sectors of society. Every year the Luonto-Liitto forest group surveys dozens of acutely threatened forest areas and documents species and structural features of forest nature that are important for nature conservation.
Ruohonjuuri grants were awarded in 2020 to the environmental education organization FEE Finland (EUR 3,000), Julia Kemppinen (EUR 1,000), Kierrätä ja Auta ry (EUR 3,000), Tuuli Kinnunen (EUR 4,000), Mohammad Karzarjeddi (EUR 2,000), and Amir Sepehr and Bahareh Nasiri ( 3000 euros).
The Ruohonjuuri Prize (€ 5,000) went to Jukka Lassila, who has led the Osuuskunta Oma Maa's long-term development work to produce organic, carbon-negative food for 10 years.
Ruohonjuuri grants (1000-5000 €) were awarded to:
- Elisa Niemi Unelmamatka hiilineutraaliin tulevaisuuteen - implementation of the communication (€ 5,000).
- Joel Rosenberg for writing the book Pohjoista pähkinää purtavaksi (€ 4,000).
- Paula Lönnemo for the activities of citizen groups striving for carbon neutrality (Salon TasausKohtuusPaja group, Ilmastoviisas Salo group, and Meidän metsämme group) (€ 3,500).
- Bonsai Ekosysteemi ry, researching the possibilities of spiral algae in insect breeding (3000 €).
- Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry to produce a video criticizing the insanity of over-consumption and emphasizing the sustainable use of clothing (€ 2,000).
- Hiilitarhurit Hiilitarhurin käsikirja - for the implementation of the project (2000 €).
- Marika Lohis humuskampanja project to involve citizens to carbon neutralize and land improvement (2000 €).
- Micael Warg / Gilla Grisar, whose anti-advertising campaign aims to reduce meat consumption by opposing the EU's campaign to promote pork eating (€ 2,000).
- Potkuri Ensemble Utu ja Myrsky - Muovimeren pelastuspartio - for children's theater performance (1000 €)
- Ruokavaunu Ketterä for making a kiosk contract (1000 €).
Meeri Särkkä received the Ruohonjuuri Prize (€ 5,000) for her work focused on promoting the circular economy.
Ruohonjuuri grants were awarded to:
- Johanna Kohvakka & Liisa Lehtinen for the development of pledged dishes
- Kaisa Leppänen Ilmastonmuutos Show & Dinner working group
- Pro Heinävesi movement
- Sideflow service
- Mari Koppanen for a master's degree in renewable materials in furniture design
The Ruohonjuuri Prize (€ 5,000) was awarded to Anniina Nurme for ten years of work as an expert in the responsible clothing industry and a pioneer in the field.
The following received a Ruohonjuuri grant (€ 4,000 / grant)
- From Waste to Taste (Restaurant Loop) to develop its logistics operations so that more and more stores can be included in food pick-ups and deliveries.
- Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto for the project: Alternatives to Economic Growth 3: Reasonable Economy and Welfare - to cover the costs of a free event open to all (April 2018).
- Johan Tallgren's dissertation. The dissertation deals with solid oxide fuel cells, as efficient and low-emission are promising alternatives for future energy production.
In addition, the UN youth in Helsinki received a grant of (€ 1,500) for a study trip to Rome and Heini Rosvall received a grant of (€ 1,000) to promote WWOOF's activities.
The Ruohonjuuri Prize (€ 5,000) was awarded to Sampo Soimakallio. The award criteria emphasized that he has “with his meritorious research and communication, worked hard to promote the knowledge of public administration, industry, students and citizens about climate change restraints, its challenges and opportunities”.
The following Ruohonjuuri grants (€ 4,000 / grant) were awarded to:
- Hyönteistalouden akateeminen kehittämisyhdistys ry (UniBugs) to promote insect utilization. The main goal of the association is to increase the utilization of insects, based on the idea of getting western world consumers interested in the insects within food use.
- Saara-Maria Kauppi for the development of the Foodfriend mobile application. The purpose of the app is to help tourists find the most authentic restaurants and connect tourists with local people around the food.
- Helsieni Oy for the development of urban mushroom farms utilizing coffee waste.
- Annu Rusanen for the implementation of her dissertation on the comprehensive utilization and transformation of biomass into products.
- A Ruohonjuuri grant (€ 1,000) was awarded to Africa Health and Community Program's Petra Mats for awareness-raising and workshop to improve the environment in the Kibera slum area in Kenya.
The Ruohonjuuri Prize (€ 5,000) was awarded to the Herttoniemi Food Cooperative's Kaupunkilaisten oma pelto -project for its work to develop a society that is wise in food production and in balance with nature. The citizen´s own farming field offers an alternative, socially, ecologically and economically sustainable way to produce organic food.
The following received a Ruohonjuuri grant (€ 3,000 / grant):
- Froodly Company for the development of a mobile application that reduces food waste.
- Toilet Association Huussi ry to promote the use of urine fertilizers.
- Anna Jokinen for the development of raw food manufacturing processes and the productization of raw food delicacies made from organic ingredients.
- Jaakko Halmetoja for the development of the Löydä Lähde - information service.
The Ruohonjuuri grant (€ 1,000) was awarded to Helmi Seppälä for research work in Peru, which aims to promote the sustainable use of raw materials in cooperation with locals.
The Ruohonjuuri Prize (€ 5,000) was awarded to Restaurant Day, which has enriched Finnish food and urban culture, increased community spirit and the activity of citizens. Restaurant Day has also brought Finland a lot of positive, international attention and, as a Finnish do-it-yourself innovation, has spread to several countries.
The following Ruohonjuuri grant (€ 4,000 / grant) was awarded to:
- Huili-lehti, writing about the ecological and ethical way of life, for making the magazine.
- Laitikkala maa-ja kotitalousseura for the realization of small-scale agriculture, further processing and farm sales.
- Publicist of Ekokampaajat-yhdistys, eco-hairdresser Feeja Haarman to implement Certified Eco-Hairdresser certificate.