Ruohonjuuri is part of the Planet Company -community: together we are changing the world!
Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and take action together to build a more sustainable world! The Planet Company is an open community service for organizations looking to change the world. The companies in the Planet Company community share their own good deeds and encourage others to take concrete action for a better world. Small streams grow into flowing torrents!
Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and take action together to build a more sustainable world! The Planet Company is an open community service for organizations looking to change the world. The companies in the Planet Company community share their own good deeds and encourage others to take concrete action for a better world. Small streams grow into flowing torrents!
At Planet Company website you can learn about relevant actions that have been verified by sustainability experts. You can share your opinions by tapping and sharing your favorite things. On the site, you can also challenge companies to do good deeds.
Ruohonjuuri calls all other companies to make a positive impact and change: together we can make the world a better place!
You can find out more about Ruohonjuuri's good deeds here: