The Ruohonjuuri Spirit

Ruohonjuuri is already there, where the world is going

The story of Ruohonjuuri (grassroots in English) began in a small wooden building in 1982. This cottage was a meeting place of a group of environmentally aware young people. Back then, sustainability was very much a minority issue. The popularity of Ruohonjuuri gradually grew alongside environmental awareness.

As time has gone by, Ruohonjuuri employees still hold the same values: sustainability, responsibility, a people-centric approach, positivity, and innovation. These core values are present in every working day at Ruohonjuuri, and they form the cornerstones for all our actions. As Ruohonjuuri grows, we still focus on being agile and building a community of like-minded people, associations, and companies.

Read on and learn more about Ruohonjuuri corporate culture, mission and vision, values, responsibility, equality, our history, information for investors, and information about our operations.

Blog posts about Ruohonjuuri Company & Culture View all

Ruohonjuuri to open the first eco-store specialized in natural cosmetics at the airport

Ruohonjuuri to open the first eco-store specialized in natural cosmetics at the airport

Ruohonjuuri is arriving at the Helsinki Airport in September 2023!

Ruohonjuuri 40 years- take a trip down memory lane

Ruohonjuuri 40 years- take a trip down memory lane

To celebrate Ruohonjuuri's 40th birthday we take a look at what all kinds of odd and memorable things have happened during the years.
The 40th birthday of Ruohonjuuri

The 40th birthday of Ruohonjuuri

In 2022, Ruohonjuuri will celebrate its 40th birthday. Although the exact birthday is not until 14.10.2022, we will be celebrating throughout the year. But why on earth was Ruohonjuuri founded in the first place?

The world is changing and together we can change it

Ruohonjuuri takes a stand for a better world - both in words and deeds. To be a brave pioneer means both moral valor and the courage to innovate and evolve constantly. 

Love for customers and sustainable products

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We as a company

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For investors

For investors

Growth is development

We live, experience, and perform small and big miracles for a better world through joy and a positive attitude. The mission of Ruohonjuuri Oy is Joy and Vitality. It describes our attitude, the way we act, and the purpose of our existence.

By bravely working for the better world, we increase the joy and vitality in the lives of both our customers and other fellow travelers. We have a strong, common goal with our customers and partners: to make the world a better place - one eco-shopping cart at a time.